What is Study Technology™?

Workable Study Methods That Ensure Understanding

Study Technology is the term given to the methods developed by L. Ron Hubbard to enable individuals to study effectively. It is not a collection of study tips or memory tricks, but rather a proven system of effectively learning (and teaching) any subject. Our teachers implement Study Technology in lesson plans and our students are taught to use this technology to help themselves and fellow classmates.

True Understanding

An important part of Study Technology is the understanding and use of words. A whole subject can appear “too difficult to learn” because of undefined terminology. There are dictionaries are in continual use in school and tutoring sessions to ensure that any word not understood can be defined right away so the student's understanding of the material is assured.

Effective Learning

At H.E.L.P. Miami we are not interested in coaching a student to pass a test. We do not teach “new math” or employ any of the “common core” curriculum. We do not want a classroom full of drugged robots. We actually encourage our students to challenge material and think for themselves. We strive to ensure our students have certainty on their academics and to be able to USE what they have learned in real life.

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Overcoming the Barriers That Prevent Effective Learning

Defining the Words

Students define the words of the text to ensure they can understand the theory (written materials) of each subject fully, with understanding.

Learning on a Gradient

A gradient approach to learning, students fully master easier elements of a subject before moving on to more difficult aspects.

Making Subjects Real

Students go beyond just reading about a subject and see actual physical representations of the subject or pictures/videos so the material becomes more "real" to them.

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H.E.L.P. Miami Founder and Principal Featured in the Epoch Times

H.E.L.P. Miami’s Founder and Principal Barbara Rivera was interviewed by the Epoch Times and told her amazing inspirational story about starting her successful homeschool program after being told that her first grader was unable to learn. Click below to read the full article!

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What is Education?

The Difference Between Traditional Schooling and a Real Education

Traditional schooling emphasizes the need for memorizing to pass a test. The ability of the student to actually use the information they have studied after graduation is generally neglected. The education methods used at H.E.L.P. Miami ensure that students actually understand and can retain what they have studied and put their education to use.

Removing Complications From Learning

Current lesson plans employed by American schools have been overcomplicated to the point of being totally unworkable. Traditional mathematics has been replaced by "common core" which makes simple skills like addition and subtraction so complex they're almost impossible to understand. H.E.L.P. Miami does not use these methods and instead emphasizes that a student actually understands what they're studying and can use the skills learned.

Education for the Student, Not Some Other Agenda

In recent years, simple subjects like Social Studies and History have been taught in a convoluted way that almost resembles "brainwashing" where students are molded into a certain way of thinking, instead of simply being educated with factual information. Textbooks with these messages are not used at H.E.L.P. Miami and instead, simple, factual texts that cover the subjects are used and the judgment of the student is consulted so they are taught to observe and come to their own understanding.

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A Real Education

At HELP Miami, our focus is on education that actually works. We want every child to have a schooling experience that inspires them to learn and makes it possible for them to actually succeed.

The average class size per teacher at HELP Miami is between 10 and 12, allowing for individual attention to each student.

100% of HELP Miami students advance 1-2 full grade levels by test score, within their first year of schooling.

95% of HELP Miami Graduates go on to higher education at college, university or technical schools.

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